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Record number of women on construction sites in 2023

The construction sector is seeing more and more women working on a job site.

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Magellan Announces Nomination of Nicolas Pallares as New President

"I am honored to take on this role as President of Magellan Group," said Nicolas Pallares...

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International women's day

On International Women's Day, let's unite to turn challenges into opportunities and shape a better future for all!

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Celebrating 18 years of excellence

Today, we are proud and honored to pay tribute to one of our most exceptional employees, Chantal Fillion, on the occasion of her 18th anniversary with St-Amour / Groupe Magellan's pharma/medical division. It's a remarkable milestone that deserves to be celebrated with the utmost joy and admiration.

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9 Reasons SMEs Should Entrust Specialized Mandates To External Experts

The heads of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) can’t do everything. Like an orchestra conductor who oversees the entire piece of music and sets the tempo but cannot play the instruments for the musicians, they are excellent generalists, but not specialists. Sometimes, they need to call on the services of external experts: for accounting, for IT, for recruitment and especially for hiring executives. The reality of the Quebec market makes this a necessity.

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7 career management tips from a recruitment specialist

Some tips for a successful career path, from us to you.

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Ever heard of the right to disconnect?

Today’s smartphones boast impressive features. But is that really always a good thing? And do companies come out ahead when everything is said and done?

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Notice of appointement

Groupe Magellan is proud to announce the appointment of Julie MacDonald as Vice President -  Executive Search at its subsidiary StratoExec.

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Filling Regional Executive Positions: The Keys to Success

Filling an executive position at a company in non-urban areas poses different challenges from hiring in Montreal or another big city. The secret is to prepare properly – particularly in a candidates’ market like we’re seeing today.

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Executive Recruitment: Automation or Customization?

Many companies are debating the merits of two completely opposed sales strategies: an automated, high-volume approach vs. a more customized, boutique-style approach. In many cases, the latter is key to being successful. There are some lessons here for the world of executive recruitment.

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Placing Executives from large corporations into leaner companies

When smaller, more entrepreneurial companies are looking to shore up gaps within their organization, executives from larger corporations may be able to provide valuable expertise and experience. But some big fish can’t make the transition to a small pond. Here are four tips on picking the right candidate for the role.

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Recruiting an Executive: How to Align Your Interests

Hiring an executive isn’t the same as recruiting for other positions. The influence they will have on your company and teams means that it must be a highly strategic decision. The selection process therefore requires scrupulous preparation, and since candidates will also be evaluating what you offer them, you need to make a convincing case.

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Restructuring and leadership in the start-up world

A start-up’s not like a large corporation with a thousand people. With only a handful of executives in place, their individual behaviour will dramatically impact the business’s development. Appointing the wrong person can have drastic consequences, especially during the early stages of the business’s growth. Here are some factors to consider. 

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Making it easier for executives to step aside

Executive positions often come with a shelf life. But once it’s time for someone in a leadership role to step aside, they may be reluctant to do so for personal reasons. How can you make sure they’re ready to leave when you want them to go? 

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Hiring personnel: when candidates lack experiences

The interview is the crucial step to finding the right person for a particular job. Our recruitment specialists show you how to conduct interviews effectively to get the information you need.

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Why You Need a Recruitment Partner, Not a Resume Pusher

To properly meet their recruitment needs, employers need a partner who will work closely with them, not just a resume pusher who will refer dozens of candidates without screening them carefully. Here are four reasons why.

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How To Retain Your Top Sales Talent

Here are three best practices that will help keep your top talent on board.

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5 Mistakes Companies Make With Job Postings

La recherche de candidats adéquats vous prend-elle plus de temps que prévu ? Peut-être n'y a-t-il pas assez de personnes qualifiées sur le marché, mais il est également possible que vos offres d'emploi rendent plus difficile d'attirer ou d'identifier les bons talents. Voici cinq questions à vous poser.

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Which Candidates Should You Not Hire?

Every company has been there. You hire someone who seems perfect for the position—but after a couple of months, it’s clear they’re not a good fit. To help rule out unsuitable candidates before you make them an offer, ask yourself the following questions.

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4 tips for successful recruitment

Hiring the right people is essential to the success of your company. But you need to be sure you have the right candidate for the position, and the right position for the candidate.

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Difficult employees: How to keep them from having a bad influence on team engagement

As head hunters and human resource consultants, we know that having a solid recruitment process and succession plan is the best way to ensure you hire the right person at the right time.

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When to start looking for new employees

Is there a good time to start looking for fresh talent? Should you wait until a position becomes vacant, or keep an eye out for talent in a proactive way?

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How to Identify Candidates Who Won't Stay

Job-jumping is becoming more and more common, especially among millennials. The possibility of employees leaving just six months or a year after being hired is a growing concern for companies. What can you do about it? We explore three key questions here. 

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5 Dos and Don'ts for Reducing Recruitment Bias

Quite aside from ethical issues, bias in the recruitment process may be detrimental to your business. By favouring certain candidate profiles, you risk creating teams whose make-up is too similar. Here are some tips to avoid falling into this trap.

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How to Deal with Online Criticism of Your Company

It’s never nice to find out that your company is the target of online criticism. However, there are concrete steps you can take to improve the situation. Our expert provides the lowdown.

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Why You Should Pay Attention to Your Turnover Rate

Turnover rate is an indicator that’s not always scrutinized with care by small- and medium-sized enterprises – but in an employees’ market like today, you should pay more attention to it. Here’s why.

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Does Your Corporate Culture Scare Off Candidates?

Are you struggling to make new hires? If your business sector is booming, perhaps a shortage of skilled workers is to blame... but it’s also possible that your corporate culture is hampering your recruitment efforts. Here’s how you can find out and what you can do about it.

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Head hunter, recruitment agency, or placement agency: how to decide?

As an employer, do you tend to hire professionals to recruit your new employees? Do you know the difference between a head hunter, a recruitment agency, and a placement agency? Do you know how much this type of service costs? The answers to these questions appear below. Hopefully, they will help you to decide which option is best for you.

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Employer branding – new challenges in HR

Product marketing or HR marketing? That is the question!

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Demystifying restrictive clauses in employment contracts

Did you know that under the Civil Code of Québec, employees have an obligation of loyalty to their employer that continues even after the contract is over?

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Legal saga on the notice of resignation: Understanding your obligations

Many of us have seen employees leave their jobs to go work for the competition. But what if the employer wants the departure to take place immediately, so as to keep confidential information from being shared?

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Good questions for effective job interviews

Since you might not have the chance to be assisted by a recruitment agency, here’s some sound advice from one of our recruitment managers to help you prepare your job interviews. Read on to find out what Audrey Chrétien, manager of our Engineering, Production and Logistics team, has to say.

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Recruitment: Do it in-house or hire a recruitment agency? That is the question!

Make your mark. That will make all the difference to your business, in a context where hiring personnel is a considerable challenge. Here is how to process.

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4 reasons to use a recruitment agency

Looking for a top-notch employee? Here are four good reasons to use these kinds of services.

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5 signs you’re ready to move up the corporate ladder—or not

In theory, moving up the corporate ladder sounds great. More influence, more responsibility, more money—what’s not to like? But before you put in for that big promotion, ask yourself whether it’s really the right move for you. Here are some factors to consider.

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When working at home isn’t the right choice

No rush-hour commute. No sitting through meetings that drag on interminably. No co-workers stopping by to talk about Game of Thrones when you’re racing to meet a deadline... Working at home certainly has its appeal. But in some cases, it’s not appropriate. Here are some examples.

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You’re hiring a new employee. Are you well protected?

Good managers should always protect themselves against mistakes that a new employee might make. Here is why.

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4 keys to wowing a recruiter with your elevator pitch

Quick! A recruiter from a possible employer just got in your elevator and pressed the button for the 20th floor. You’re on the first level. So, that's how much time you have to make an impression. What would you say to turn yourself from just another applicant into an attractive candidate?

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How to make sure your chosen candidate shows up

You recently recruited a candidate, and your candidate doesn’t appear, and neither you nor your recruiter have any idea why. So what can be done to prevent this from occurring? Here are a few practical tips that might help.

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How to Move from an Entry-Level Job to a More Senior Position

While you really like your job, you want to move up the ladder – but how can you make it happen? Here are four expert tips to help you get that promotion.

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Benefits of recruiting employees 55 and up

Do you hesitate before hiring people who are fifty-five or older? It’s unfortunate. At St-Amour, we believe that it your organization should consider giving them a chance. Here’s why.

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Is It Time To Quit Your Job?

In an employees’ market, it’s easy to switch positions or companies as soon as things get a little difficult. But should you? And how do you know when it’s the right time for a change? We take a look.

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Having trouble recruiting staff? Here are five tips for you

Statistics show it - Quebec companies are finding it more and more challenging to recruit qualified workers. Here are five tips to help you with this situation.

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How to Enjoy a Successful First Day at Your New Job

A new job, a new team, a new environment – on your first day at work, you’ll likely feel a combination of anticipation, nerves and eagerness. Here are a few tips on how to make the most of it and benefit from the experience.

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Four ways to make the most of your human capital

Human capital can be defined as all your employees’ talents, knowledge, abilities and loyalty. Considered to be an intangible asset, it also includes their education, qualifications, certifications, professional experience and skills. Here are a few ways you can make the most of your human capital.

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3 tips for dealing with candidates who don’t get selected

It’s not always easy to tell candidates that they haven’t been selected for employment with your company. You need to be astute and empathetic. So, what do you need to do? Here are three tips.

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Headhunters answer your most common questions about CVs

It’s time to update your CV, and you’re probably wondering how to present it in order to land your dream job. Here are answers to your most frequently asked questions to help you on your way.

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Elevating Success with Powerful Investments

New investors - Our journey towards greater heights continues !

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